Šestijazyčný slovník medicíny pro turisty

Doc.MUDr.Přemysl Paichl


Zkratky:: An-angličtina, Fr-francouzština , It-italština, Ni=Ně- němčina  , Šp-španělština


M. Medicina na cestách

M.1 náhlá porucha zdraví

M.2 úraz,nehoda

M.3 nemoc

M.4 místo poruchy

M.5 druh potíží

M.6 vyšetřování

M.7 diagnózy

M.8 léčení

M.9 zdravotníci

M.10 zdravotnická zařízení

M.11 zdravotní pojištění


M.1 náhlá porucha zdraví     An- an acute health disorder, acute health disturbance, 

                                               Fr- trouble aigu de santé, It- acuto difetto du salute,

                                               Ně-akute Gesundheitsstörung, Šp- akudo trastornos de la


.11 rozhodnutí                        An- decision, Fr-décision, résolution, It-decisione,

                                               Ně- Entscheidung, Šp- decisión

-úraz                                       An- accident, hurt, Fr- traumatisme, lésion traumatique,          

                                               It- infortunio, ferita,Ně- Unfall,  Šp- accidente

-onemocnění                            An- disease, illness, sickness, Fr- maladie,  It-  la malatía,

                                               Nì- Krankheit, Šp- enfermedad, enfermada, mal

.12 projev                               An- symptom ,Fr- signe, It- manifestazione,Nì- Symptom,

                                               Šp- signo, manifestación,  síntoma

     bezvědomí                          An-inconsciousness, Fr- sans connaisance, It- inconscienza,    ,

                                               Ně- Bewustlosigkeit, Šp- inconsciente , pérdida del


     mdloba                               An-fainting, syncope, Fr- évanouissement, faiblesse,

                                               It- svenimento, Nì-Ohnmacht, Šp- desmayo

     křeče                                  An- cramp,spasm, Fr- spasme, It- crampo, Ně- Krampf

                                               Šp- calambe, convulsión, espasmo

     krvácení                              An-bleeding, haemorrhage, Fr- saignement, hémorragie,

                                               It- emorragia, Ně- Blutung , Šp-hemorragia

     zástava dýchání                   An- respiration- arrest, Fr- arr^et du respiration,

                                               It-fermato di respirazione, Ně- Atemhemmung,

                                               Šp- restaòadura ?? de respiración

     zástava srdeční                    An- heart - arrest , Fr- arr^et  du coeur,

                                               It- fermato cardiaco/ di cuore, Nì- Herzstillung,

                                               Šp- restaòadura ?? de corazón

.13 první pomoc                     An- first aid, Fr- premiers soins, premier secours,

                                               IIt- pronto soccorso, Nì- erste Hilfe,

pomoc                                     An- help,         Fr-aide, au secours, It- l´aiuto, Nì- Hilfe, 


záchrana                                  An- rescue, salvage, Fr- sauvetage, It-salvataggio, Nì- Rettung,,        

poskytnout pomoc                   An- to help, Fr- aiuder, secourir, It- soccórere, Nì-helfen,

okamžité                                  An- instantaneous, Fr- instantanémente, It- momentáneo,

                                               sul momento,Nì- sofortige, augenblickliche, Šp- al instante,


oživování                                 An- resuscitation, reanimation, Fr- réanimation,

                                               It- reanimazione, ridestazione, Nì- Wiederbelebung,

.14 včasná léčba                    An-, early treating,, preliminary t.,Fr- traitement précoze, It-,

                                               Nì- Frühbehandlung, Šp- tratamiento precoz

srdeční masáž                          An- cardiac massage, Fr- massage du coer, It-  massaggio

                                                cardiaco / di  cuore/, Nì- Herzmassage, Šp- masaje cardiaco

umělé dýchání                          An- artificial respiration, Fr- respiration arteficielle,

                                               It- respirazione artificiale,Nì- künstliche Atmung,,

                                               Šp- respiración artificial

stavění krvácení                       An- control of bleeding, Fr- hémostase, It- arrestare la perdita 

                                               del sangue, Nì- Blutstillung, Šp-???

škrtidlo Esmarchovo                An- Esmarch´s bandage, Fr- bande d´Esmarch, It-bandella

                                               di Esmarch, Nì- Esmarch-Binde,

přirozená poloha                      An- appropriate position, Fr- position, convenable,

                                               It-  opportuno posizione, Nì- entsperechende Lage, 

znehybnění                               An-immobilisation, Fr- immobilisation, It- immobilizzazione                  ,

                                               Nì- Ruhigstellung, Immobilisation, Šp- immovilización

obvaz                                      An- bandage, dressing, Fr- bande, bandage, pansement,

                                               It- legame, fasciatura, bandaggio, Nì- Verband,

obvazovati ránu                       An- to dress the wound, Fr- blessure anser, bander,

                                               It- ferrita bendare, Nì- die Wunde verbinden, umbinden,

léčba šoku                               An- shock treatment, Fr-  choc It-       , Nì- Therapie des

                                               Schocks, Šp- tratamiento ?? du choque

.15 transport

převoz                                     An- transport, Fr- transport,   It- transpoto, tragitto,

                                               Nì- Überfuhr, Transport,

nosítka                                    An-stretcher, Fr- civiére, litiére, It- lettiga, barella,

                                               Nì- Tragbahre,

sanitka                                     An- ambulance car, emergency ambulance, Fr- ambulance

                                               mobile, voiture d´ambulance, It- autoambulanza,

                                               Nì- Einsatzwagen,  Sanitätswagen ,

zavolejte ihned sanitku!            An- call immediately an ambulance car !Fr-     !

                                               It- telefoni subvito per un´autoambulanza!,

                                               Nì- Rufen Si, bitte, sofort  den Sanitätswagen! ,          

stanice první pomoci                An-  first aid station , Fr- poste de secours, It- posto di pronto

                                               soccorso , Nì- Station der ersten Hilfe, Šp- estación

                                               ? de asistencia primaria. estación ?de los primeros auxilios,

náhlý případ                             An-emergency case, Fr-          , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-


Úraz, nehoda                    An- accident, misadventure, hurt,Fr- accident, blessure, lésion,

                                               It- infortunio, ferita, accidente ,  Nì- Unfall, Šp- accidente

            dopravní                      An- transport-accident, Fr- accident de la circulation,

                                               It- l´incidente di spedizione, da transporto,  I. di circolazione,

                                               Nì-  Verkehrsunfall, Šp- a. de circulatión

            smrtelný                       An-lethal, fatal, Fr- mortel, It-mortale, Nì- tödlich,

                                               Šp- mortal, mortifero  

.21 poranění,  zranění            An-injury, trauma,lesion ,Fr- lésion, traumatisme, plaie,

                                               blessure, It- la ferita, la piaga, la lesione, Nì- Verwundung,

                                               Verletzung, Šplesión, herida, traumatismo

.211 rána                                An- wound, lesion, sore , laceration, Fr- plaie, It- ferita,

                                               Nì- Wunde, Šp-

     malá , drobná                      An- minor ,Fr- , It-      , Nì-     ,

     bodná                                 An- punctured w., stab w., stick  w. , Fr-piq^ure,

                                               It- ferita puntata,,Nì- Stichwunde, Šp- puòalada

     cizí těleso                            An-foreign body, Fr- corps étranger, It- corpo eterogeneo,

                                               Nì- Fremdkörper,

     kousnutí                              An- bite wound, Fr- morsure, It-, Nì- Bisswunde,

                                               Šp- mordisco, mordida

     oděrka                                An-erosion, excoriation, Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     odřenina                             An- excoriation,Fr- écorchure, It- la scorticatura,

                                               Nì- Reibwunde,

     píchnutí                               An- bite w., Fr- morsure,It- f. morso,Nì- Bisswunde,

     rozdrcení                            An- crushing ,  Fr-       , It-      , Nì-     ,

     řezná                                  An- incised w., Fr- p. sectionée, It- ferita , da sezione,

                                               da  taglio          Nì- Schnittwunde,  Šp-herida incisa

     stlačením                             An-compression /kamprešnß/, Fr-       , It-      , Nì-     ,

     střelná                                 An- gunshot w., Fr- p. par balle, It-,Nì- Schusswunde,

                                               Šp- herida par arma  de fuego

     tržná                                   An- lacerated w., Fr- p. par déchirure, It-,Nì- Risswunde,                 

                                               Šp- desgarradura

     zhmožděná                          ;An- contused w., Fr- p. contuse, It-,Nì- Quetschwunde,

                                               Šp- herida contusa

.212 vymknutí, vyvrtnutí       An- luxation, Fr- luxation, It- lussazióne,slogatura,

                                               Nì- Luxation, Šp- luxación

- vymkl jsem si                        An- I have sprained, dislocated my.., Fr- Je me suis foulé, luxe,

                                                It-  mi sono lussato, slogarsi .. Nì- Ich habe mir .. verrenkt,

                                               Šp- se me dislocó.., se me torcio..

- kloub                                    An- joint, articulation, Fr- articulation, joint, It-            ,

                                               Nì- Gelenk, Šp- articulación   

.213 zlomenina                       An- fracture,    Fr- fracture, It- rottúra, Nì- Fraktur,

                                               Šp- fractura

-zlomil jsem si              An- I have broken my.., Fr- je me suis cassé.., It- mi sono rotto..,

                                               Nì- Ich habe mir .. gebrochen,  Šp- se me fracturó     

-dislokace zlomeniny                An- fracture dislocation, displacement, Fr- déplacement dans

                                               la fracture, It- , Nì- Frakturenfragmentverschiebung, Dislokation,

.214     omrzlina                     An- frostbite, perniosis, chilblains, erythema pernio,

                                               Fr-       , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

-zmrznouti                               An- frostbite, Fr-         , It-assiderarzi, Nì-       , Šp-


.215 popálenina                     An-burn, Fr- br^ulure, It- ustione, Nì- Brennwunde,

                                               Brandwunde   , Šp- quemadura

-opařiti se                                An- scald         , Fr-     , It- ustionarsi, Nì-       , Šp-

.216 topení                             An-drowning, Fr-        , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-                           

.22 následky  úrazu

.221 krvácení                         An-bleeding, haemorrhage, Fr- saignement, hémorragie,

                                               It-sanquinazio, Nì- Blutung , Šp- sangramiento, memorragia

          samovolné                      An-spontanneous, Fr- spontanée, It- spontaneo,

                                               Nì- Spontanblutung, Šp- espontánea

krváceti                          An- to bleed, Fr- saigner, It- sanguinare, Nì- bluten,

                                               Šp- sangrar

         podlitina                          An-suffusion of blood, extravasation of b., Fr- ecchymose,

                                               suffusion It- , Nì- Blutunterlaufung, Bluterguss, Stieme,

                                               Šp- wquimosis, magulladura

          výron krevní                   An- haematona, Fr- éruption de sang, It-, Nì- Bluterguss,

                                               Hämatom, Šp- hematomo

         mastný tyl                       An-lubricated gauze, vaseline g., Fr- gaze enduite, It-  ,

                                               Nì- geölte Gaze, Šp- gasa luricada

.222 otřes mozku                   An-commotion, conclussion, Fr- commotion cérébrale, It-,                

                                               Nì- Gehirnerschütterung, Šp- conmoción cerebral

                                               Šp- tengo, estoy         

..223 šok                                An- shock, Fr- choc, It-          , Nì- Schock , Šp- choque

                                               Šp-      desplazamiento de fractura

.23 ošetření  a léèení úrazu                         

pomoc                                     An- help, Fr- aide, secours, It- l´aiuto, Nì- Hilfe,  Šp-ayuda

ošetřovat                                 An-attend, treat, tend, nurse, be in attendance, ,                                             

                                               Fr-       , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-   

.231 léèení                             An- treatment, Fr- traitement , It- cura,  Nì-Behandlung,

                                               Šp- tratamiento

-stavění krvácení                      An- control of bleeding, Fr- hémostase, It- arrestare la perdita 

                                               del sangue, Nì- Blutstillung,

-lék                                         An- packing, Fr- tamponnement, pansement, It-                     

                                               Nì- Tamponade, Šp- empaquetado, tamponamiento

-transfúze krve                         An- blood transfusion, Fr- transfusion du sang,

                                               It-, Nì- Bluttransfusion,

-chirurgické                             An- surgical tretment, Fr- traitement chirurgical, It-      ,

                                               An- Chirurgische Behandlung, Šp- tratamiento  quirurgico

     operace                              An-operation, Fr- opération, intervention chirurgicale, It-,                                          

                                               Nì- Operation, Šp- operación

     drenáž rány                         An- wound drainage,Fr-          It-        Nì-

     excize,vyčištění                   An- débridement, Fr- débridement, It-, Nì-

     toaleta rány                         An-toilet of a wound, Fr- détersion d´une plaie, toilette dú.p.,

                                               It-        ,Nì- Wundtoilette, Wundreinigung,

-reposice  zlomeniny                An- alignement of a fracture, reduction of a f., Fr- réduction d´une

                                               fracture, It-,Nì- Reposition der Fraktur, Šp-    reducción de una fractura

-znehybnění, imobilizace           An-immobilisation, Fr- immobilisation, It-        ,

                                               Nì- Ruhigstellung, Immobilisation, , Šp- immovilización

-obvazovati                             An-wound dressing, dress the wound, bandage

                                               Fr- blessure anser, bander, It- ,Nì-

            obvaz                          An- bandage, dressing, Fr- bandage, bande, pansement,

                                               It- la fasciatura  ,Nì- Verband, Šp- venda, vendaje     

            adhezivní                      An- adhesive bandage, Fr-      , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            zinkoklihový                 An- non stretch zinc-oxide strapping, Fr-         ,

                                               It-        , Nì-     , Šp-

            pružný                         An- elastic       , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            sádrový                       An- plaster cast, plaster bandage,plaster dressing,

                                               Fr- goutiére pl^atre,bandage de pl^atre,

                                               It-, Nì- Gipsverband, Šp- vendaje de yeso, faja de y.,


-přiložiti                                   An-apply a compress, apply a foment, put on a foment,          

                                                Fr-      , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     dlahu                                  An- splint, Fr- attele, gouttiére, It-       , Nì- Schiene,

                                               Šp- férula, gotera

     obklad                                An- compress, packing, foment, appliance, poultice, cataplasm,

                                               Fr- pansement, compresse,  It-            ,

                                               Nì- Umschlag, Šp- compresa, vendaje

     náplast                       An- adhesive plaster, plaster, patch, sticking plaster,

                                      An-   , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

M.3 Nemoc

M.4. místo poruchy

bedra                                       An- loins, haunch, hip, Fr- reiuns, lombes, It-fianco     ,

                                               Nì- Lende, Šp- la cadera /kadera/

brada                                       An- chin, Fr- menton, It- ménto, Nì- Kinn, Šp- menón

břicho                                      An- belly, womb, abdomen, Fr- ventre, abdomen,

                                               It- ventre, Nì- Bauch, Šp- el vientre, el cólico me molesta

                                               / el koliko me molesta/

čelist dolní                               An-lower jaw, mandible, mandibula, Fr- m^achoire                                       

                                               inférieure,It-mandibola, Nì- Unterkiefer, Šp- maxilar                                      

                                               uinferior, mandíbula                 

čelist horní                               An-upper jaw, maxilla, Fr- machoire supérieure,

                                               It- mascella,Nì- Oberkiefer, Šp- maxilar superior

hlava                                        An- in head, hedeache, cephalalgia Fr- J´ai mal de t^ete,

                                               It- testa, capo, Nì- Kopf, Kopfweh, Šp- cabeza /kavesa/

hltanu                                      An- pain in the pharynx,Fr- pharynx, It- eesófago,

                                               Nì-.. Schlund , Šp- faringe

hrtanu                                      An-larynx, throat, Fr- larynx, gorge, It-laringe  ,

                                               Nì- Rachen, Kehlkopf, Šp- laringe, garganta

hrudník                                    An- chest, Fr- poitrine, sein , It-torace, Nì- Brust,                                                     

                                               Brustkorb,Pectus , Šp-caja torácica, tórax

játra                                         An- liver, hepar, Fr- foie, It-fégato, Nì-Leber , Šp- hídago

jazyk                                       An-rongue, Fr- langue, It- lingua, Nì- Zunge, Šp- lengua

jícnu                                        An- throat, gullet,, esophagus,Fr- oesophage, It- esofago,

                                               Nì- Kehle, Schlund ,Šp- esófago

klíční kost                                An- collar-bone, Fr- clavicule, It- clavicola, Nì- Schlüsselbein, 

                                               Šp- clavicula   

kloub                                       An- joint , articulation, Fr- articulation, joint,

                                               It-l´articolazione , Nì- Gelenk , Šp- articulación

koleno                                     An- knee, Fr- genou, It- gincchio, Nì- Knee, Šp- rodilla        

konečníku                                An- rectum, Fr- rectum, It- intestino ratto, Nì- Rektum ,

                                               Mastdarm, Šp-  recto

kost                                         An- bone, Fr- os, It- osso, Nì- Knochen, Bein, Šp- hueso

kotník nohy                             An-ankle, Fr- la chville,It-malleolo, Nì- Fussgelenk, Šp-


krk,v krku                               An-  collum, neck, cervix, Fr-gorge, It- collo, gola, gorga,

                                               Nì- Hals, Šp- garganta

kříž                                          An- sacrum Fr- croix, It- croce, Nì- Kreuzbein, Šp- sacro,


kyčel                                       An- hip, Fr- ´hanche, It- anca, Nì- Hüftgelenk, Šp- cadera     

                                               It- articolazione, Nì- Gelenkschmerzen ,Šp-..articulación

lebka                                       An- skull, Fr- cr^ane, It-teschio, cranio, Nì- Schädel, 


paže / ruka                              An- arm, Fr- bras, It- mano, Nì- Arm/ Hand,  Šp-mano         

ledviny                                     An-  kidney,Fr- rein, It-rene, Nì- Niere, Ren , Šp- riòon

loket                                        An- elbow, cubirus, Fr- coude, It-gómito, Nì- Elbogen,

                                               Šp- codo

lýtko                                        An- calf, sura, Fr- mollet, It-polpaccio, Nì- Wade,

                                               Šp- pantorrilla

noha                                        An- leg, Fr- jambe, It- gamba ,piede,Nì- Bein, Fuss,

                                               Šp- pierna,pie

nos                                          An-nose, nasus, Fr- nez, It-naso, Nì- Nase, Šp- nariz

obličej                                     An- face, facies, Fr- figure, face, It-viso, faccia,

                                               Nì- Gesicht  , Šp- cara

obratel                                     An-vertebra, spondyle, Fr- vert`ebre, It- vértebra,

                                               Nì- Wirbel, Šp-vértebra

oko/ oči                                   An- eye, Fr-oeil / yeux, It- occhio, Nì- Auge,

                                               Šp- ojo /ocho/, la nariz

pánev                                      An- pelvis, Fr- basin, It-bacino, Nì-Becken. Pelvis,

                                               Šp- pelvis

pata                                         An- calx, heel, Fr- talon, It-calcagno, Nì- Ferse,

                                               Šp- talón, calcaòar

páteř                                        An- spine, spinal column, vertebral column, backbone,

                                               rachis, Fr-épine dorsale, collone vertebrale, échine,

                                               It-colona          vertebrale, Nì- Wirbelsäule, Šp-  espina dorsal,

                                               columna vertebral

patro                                       An- palate, Fr- palais, It- palato, Nì- Gaumen, Šp- paladar

paže                                        An- arm, brachium, Fr- bras, It- braccio, Nì- Arm,

                                               Šp- brazo

plíce                                        An- lung, Fr- poumon, It- polmone, Nì- Lunge,

                                               Šp- pulmones

prostata                                   An-prostate, Fr- prostate, It- prostata, Nì- Prostata,

                                               Šp- próstata

prsa,hruď                                An-chest,  Fr- poitrine, It- petto,Nì-  Brust,Šp-  pecho


prs                                          An- breast, mamma,Fr- sein, mamelle, It-  mammela, serno,

                                               busto, Ně-Brust , Šp- seno, mama, teta

prst ruky /nohy             An- finger / toe,  Fr- doigt, It- dito, Ně- Finger, Šp- dedo      

rameno                        An- shoulder, Fr- l´épaule, It- spalla,Nì-Schulter,

                                               Šp- hombro,brazo                              

ruka                                        An- hand, Fr- main, It- mano, Nì- Hand, Šp- la mano

slezina                                     An- spleen, lien, Fr- rate, It-milza, Nì-Milz,

                                               Šp- bazo

slinná žláza viz žláza

slinivka břišní                           An- pancreas, Fr-??? , It-??? , Nì- Pankreas  ,


spodina lebeční                        An- cranial base, skull b., Fr- base du cr^ane, It-???              

                                               Nì- Schädelbasis, Šp- base craneal

stehno                                     An- thigh, Fr- cuisse, It-coscia, Nì- Schenkel Šp- la pierna

střevo slepé                             ;An-caecum, blind gut, Fr- caecum/ sekom/ , It-intestino

                                               cieco,Nì- Blinddarm, Šp- intestino ciego

střevo tenké                             An-intestine, Fr- intestin, boyau , It- intestino,

                                               Nì-Dünndarm,  Šp- intestino delgado

střevo tlusté                             An- gut , Fr- intestin gros , It- intestino ??? , Nì- Dickdarm

                                               Šp-intestino grueso     

srdce                                       An- heart,Fr- coeur, It-  cuore, Nì- Herz,Ap- corazón

sval                                         An- muscle, Fr-muscle, It- muscolo, Nì- Muskel, ,

                                               Šp- músculo

šíje                                          An- nape, nucha, collum, neck, Fr- nuque, It-nuca,

                                               Nì-Nacken, Šp- nuca, cerviz

tvář                                         An-face, Fr- face, It- guancia, Nì- Gesicht, Šp- facies,


ucho                                        An- ear,, Fr- oreille, It- orecchio, Nì- Ohr, Šp- aurícula,

                                               oreja /orecha/, tengo dolor  de oidos

ústa                                         An- mouth, Fr- bouche, It- bocca, Nì- Mund, Šp- boca


uzlina mízní                               An- lumph node, Fr- nodule lymphatique, It-???,

                                               Nì- Lymphknoten, Šp- nódulo limfático

záda                                        An- back, dorsum, Fr- dos, It- schiena, Nì- Rücken,

                                               Šp- espaldas

zadek                                      An- ischium, ischia, buttocks, Fr- derri`ere , It-deretano,

                                               dorso,Nì-Hinterteil, Rücken   , Šp- trasero, asentaderas

zápěstí                         An- wrist , metacarpus, Fr- poignet, It- carpo,

                                               Nì- Handwurzel, Šp- carpo

zub                                          An- tooth, Fr- dent, It- dente, Nì- Zahn, Šp- diente /djente/

žaludek                                    An-  stomach, Fr- l´ estomac, It- stomaco, Nì- Magen, 

                                               Šp- estómago

žlučník                                     An-gall-bladder,  cholecyst, Fr- vésicule billiaire,

                                               It- alla cistifellea,Nì-Gallenblase, Šp- vesícula

žlázy pohlavní                           An-gonad        , Fr- organes génitaux , It- glandula sesuale,

                                               g.genitale , Nì- Geschlechtsdrüsen, Gonaden  ,

                                               Šp- glándula sexual

žláza potní                                An-sweat gland, Fr- glande transpiratione , It- ,

                                               Nì- Schweissdrüse    , Šp- glándula  sudoriparo

žláza slinná                               An-sialaden, salivary gland, Fr- glande salive ,

                                               It-glandula salivale , Nì- Speicheldrüse  ,

                                               Šp- ??? glandula saliva

žláza štítná                               An-thyroid, Fr-glande thyreoide , It- glandula tiroide,

                                               Nì-  Schilddrüse  , Šp-glándula tiroides

M.5 druh potíží

X.2  poruchy, potíže

porucha                                   An-disturbance, Fr- trouble, It-difetto, Nì- Störung,

                                               Šp- trastornos, alteración

     krevního oběhu                   An-blood circulation, Fr- circulation sanguine, It-         ,

                                               Nì- Blutkreislauf, Šp- circulacióm sanguinea

     pohyblivosti                        An-mobility, Fr- mobilité, It- mobilita, Nì- Beweglichkeit,

                                               Šp- movilidad

     růstu                                   An-disturbed growth, Fr- trouble de la croissance, It-,

                                               Nì- Wachstumstörung, Šp- trastoros sel crecimiento

    soustavy  dýchací                 An-respiratory system, Fr- syst`eme respiratoire, It-    ,

                                               Nì- Atmungssystem, Respirationstrakt, Šp- sistema


    soustavy nervové                 An-nervous system, Fr- syst`eme nerveux, It-  ,

                                               Nì- Nervensystem  , Šp- sistema nerviosa

    soustavy trávicí                    An- digestive system, Fr- syst`eme digestif, It- ,

                                               Nì- Verdauungssystem, Magen-Darm-trakt  ,

                                               Šp- sistema digestivo

     výživy                                 An-nutritional disturbance,indigestion Fr- trouble de la                                               

                                               nutrition, It-, Nì- Ernährungsstörung, Šp- trastoros de la                                 


projev                                     An- symptom ,Fr- signe, It- manifestazione,Nì- Symptom,

                                               Šp- signo, manifestación,  síntoma

potíž                                       An- difficulty, trouble, Fr- difficultée, peine, It-incomodo,                               

                                               difficolta ,Nì- Beschwerde  , Šp- trabajo, pena dificuldad

bezvědomí                               An-unconsciousness, coma, obnubilation, Fr-sans

                                               connaissance, It- svenimento, Nì- Bewustlosigkeit,

                                               Šp-pérdida del conocimiento

bolest                                      An- ache, pain,  -algia, Fr- douleur,mal, It- dolore, Nì- Schmerz,

                                               Šp- dolor, mal

bušení srdce                             An- a heart throbs, palpitation,Fr- battements de coeur,

                                               It- ??? cuore,Nì- Herzklopfen,  Šp-  tengo palpitaciones ,

                                               tengo golpear   de el corazón

dušnost                                    An- to breath, Fr- respirer, It-  respirare, Nì- atmen, 

                                               Šp- respirar, jadear

horeèka                                   An- fever,ague, Fr- fiévre, It- febbre, Nì- Fieber, 

                                    An-      , Fr-     , It- ronzio negli orecchi, Nì-    , Šp-

hluchota                                   An-      , Fr-     , It- sordo        , Nì-     , Šp-   

chrapot                                    An-      , Fr-     , It-la raucédine, Nì-    , Šp-

kašel                                       An- cough, Fr- toux, It- la tosse, Nì- Husten, Šp- tos

koma                                       An- coma, Fr- coma ??, It-, Nì- Koma, Šp- en estado comatoso,

kopřivku                                  An-      , Fr-     , It- l´orticaria, Nì-       , Šp-

krvácení                                  An-bleeding, haemorrhage, Fr- saignement, hémorragie,

                                               It- emorragia, Nì- Blutung , Šp-hemorragia

křeče                                       An- cramp,spasm, Fr- spasme, It- crampo,gránchio

                                               Nì- KrampfŠp- calambe, convulsión, espasmo

mdloba                                    An-fainting, syncope, Fr- évanouissement, faiblesse,

                                               It- svenimento, Nì-Ohnmacht, Šp- desmayo , sincope

necitlivost                                An-inmsensitivness, anaesthesia, Fr- insensibilité,                    

                                               anésthesia, It-, Nì- Unempfindlichkeit, Šp- insensibilidad

nechutenství                             An- anorexia, Fr-         , It-indigestione, Nì-     , Šp-

nevolnost                                 An- discomfort, malaise , sicknessAn- , Fr-     , It-,                

                                                Nì-      , Šp-   

obrna                                      An-palsy, Fr- paralysie, It-      , Nì- Lähmung,

                                               Šp- parálisis

opar                                        An-herpes, fewer blisters, cold sores, Fr- herp`es, It-  ,

                                               Nì- Herpes, Bläschenausschlag, Šp- herpes

                                               Šp- restoy acatarrado

ospalost                                   An- drowsines, somnolence     , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

otok                                        An-swelling, oedema, Fr-en flure, It-   , Nì- Schwellung,                    

                                               Šp- hinchazón

pálení žáhy                               An- pyrosis, burn, heatburn, Fr-          , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

plynatost                                 An-      flatulence, flatulency,bloating, ballooning, , Fr-  ,

                                               It-        , Nì-     , Šp-

pocení                                     An- sweating , exudation, transpiration, sudation, hidrosis, idrosis

                                                Fr-      , It--il sudore, la transpirazione, Nì-     , Šp-

polykání                                  An-swallowing, deglutition, Fr- déglutition, It-  ,

průjem                                     An- a diarrhoea, Fr- diarrhée, It- diarrea, Nì- Durchfall, 


rýma                                        An- cold, Fr-   rhume de cerveau, It- il raffredore,

                                               Nì- Schnupfen,

slepota                                    An- blindness   , Fr-     , It-blind           , Nì-     , Šp-  ciego /siego/

sucho v ústech                          An- drought of the mouth, Fr- sécherese de la bouche, It-                   ,

                                               Nì- Mundtrockenheit, Šp- seguía de la boca, boca  seca

svědění                                    An- itching, Fr- démangeaison, It- ????, Nì- Jucken,


únava                                      An- fatigue       , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

vyrážka                                   An-eruption, rush, Fr- éruption, It-      , Nì- Ausschlag,

                                               Šp- erupción

zácpa                                      An- a constipation, Fr- e suis contipée, constipation,

                                                It- costipazione, Nì- Verstopfung, Šp- estreòimiento

záchvat                                    An- attack, Fr- accés, It-         , Nì- Anfall, Šp- ataque, acceso

závrat                                      An-giddiness, dizziness, vertigo, Fr- vertige, It- vertigine, Nì- mir

                                               schwindelt., Šp- vértigo, vahido          

zvracení                                   An- vomiting, Fr- vomissement, It- ????, Nì- Erbrechen,

                                               Šp- vómito      

zvracení krve                           An-  blood vomiting, Fr- vomissement sanginolent, It- vomito

                                               sanguineo,Nì- Bluterbrechen, Šp- vomito  sangineo

žízeň                                        An- thirst,  Fr- avoir soif,         It- sete, Nì- Durst, Šp- sed

                                               Nì- Schlucken   , Šp- deglución


4. Nemoc                           An- disease, illness, malady, Fr- maladie, mal, infirmité,

                                               It- malattia , Nì- Krankheit, Erkreankung,

                                               Šp- enfermedad, mal

n. akutní                                  An- acute         , Fr- aigu, It-  , Nì- akut, Šp- agudo

n. vleklá,chronická                   An- chronic d., Fr- m. chronique, It-crónico,                                     

                                               Nì- chronische K., Šp- e. crónica

n.  lehká                                   An-light, Fr- léger, It-leggera, Nì- leicht, Šp- ligero

n.  nevyléčitelná                       An- incurable, Fr- iuncurable, imguérissable, It- inguaribile,

                                               incurabile, Nì- nicht heilbar, Šp- incurable

n. recidivující                           An- recurrent, Fr- récidivante, It- , Nì- rezidivierende,

                                               Šp- recurrente

n.smrtelná                                An- deadly, mortal, fatal, Fr- mortel, It-mortale, letale,

                                               Nì- tödlich, Šp- mortal, fatal

n   těžká                                  An- severe , Fr-gravement , It- grave, Nì- schwer,      ,

                                                Šp- enfermo de cuidado, de gravedad, de peligro

n. vážná                                   An- serious, Fr- grave, It- grave, Nì-schwer, Šp- grave

n. dědičná                                An-hereditary fault, Fr- défaut héréditaire It-   ,

                                               Nì- Erbkrankheit, erblicher Fehler, geerbt,Šp- defecto

                                               hereditario, falta hereditaria

n. získaná                                An- acquired defect, Fr- défaut acquis, It-       ,

                                               Nì- erworbener Fehler, Šp- defecto adquirido, falta adquirida

     duševní                               An-      , Fr-     , It-mentale      , Nì-     , Šp-

     horská                                An-mountain sickness, Fr-,  It-,, Nì-, Šp-

     karenční                              An-deficiency d., Fr- m. par carence, It-         ,

                                               Nì- Mangelkrankheit, Šp- e. por deficíencia    

     mořská                               An-sea-sickness          , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     nakažlivá,infekèní                An- infectious, comunicable , contagious,

                                               Fr- m. contagieuse, m. transmissible, It- contagioso,

                                               Nì- Infektionskrankheit, ansteckende K.,

                                               Šp- e.contagiosa, e. infecciosa            

     nervová                               An-nervous      , Fr-     , It-nervosa, Nì-           , Šp-

     otrava                                 An- intoxication, poisoning, Fr-, It- l´avvelenamento,                                     

                                               l´intossicazione, Nì- Vergiftung, Šp-envenenamiento

     ozářením                             An- radiation illness, radiation sickness, Fr-     ,

                                               It-        , Nì-     , Šp-

     opilost                                 An- drunkennes,alcoholic intoxicaton, Fr-, It- , Nì- , Šp-

     plísňová                              An-mycosis, mycotic d., Fr- mycose, It-         ,

                                               Nì- Pilzerkrankung, Pilzinfektion, Šp- e. mycótica

     pohlavní                              An- venereal dissease, Fr-, It-la malattía venerea, Nì-, Šp-

     těhotenství                           An- pregnancy, gestation, Fr- grossesse, It-    ,

                                               Nì- Schwangerschaft, Šp- embarazzo

     vnitřní                        An-internal    , Fr-     , It- interna, Nì- innere, Šp-

     vrozená vada                       An-congenital defect, fault,  Fr- défaut congénital , It-  ,          

                                               Nì- angeborenes Fehler, Šp- defecto congenital

     vyvolaná léky                      An- drug induced  dessease     , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     z povolání                           An-professional, ocupational, Fr- púrofessionelle, It- ,

                                               Nì- Berufsktrankheit, Gewerbekrankheit , Šp- profesional

4.1 nemocný, -á                     An- sick, ill, ailing         Fr- malade       It- amalato, malato, Nì- krank,

                                               Šp- enfermo, -a, enfermoso,-a,

            akutně ,náhle                An-acute, Fr- aigu, It- acuto, Nì-akut, Šp-akudo

4.2 ošetření

zavolati lékaøe                         An- call an physician, Fr- appeler ??? médico,

                                               It- chiamare il médico, Nì- den Arzt rufen,

                                               Šp- buscar a un médico

zdravotní středisko                   An-Health Center        Fr- poste de secours medical, It- centro sanitario,

                                               Nì- Gesundheitszentrum, Šp- ? ?? centro sanitario

ordinace                                  An-      , Fr-     , It- gabineto    , Nì-     , Šp-

kdy ordinuje?                          An-      , Fr-     , It- quando riceve?, a che ora riceve? Nì-, Šp-

ordinační hodiny                      An- consulting hours, Fr- heures de consultation, It-le ore di visita       ,

                                               Nì- Sprechstunden       , Šp- horas de consulta

M.6 vyšetřování

4.5 Diagnostický postup


Lékařské vyšetření                   An-diagnostic process, Fr- procédé diagnostique, It-   ,

                                               Nì- diagnostisches Verfahren , Šp- propcedimiento                            


Chorobopis                             An-clinical notes,hospital record, Fr- fiche d´observation,

                                                dossier médical, It-     , Nì- Krankenblatt, Šp- historia


4.6 Údaje nemocného,                                                                                                                   

nemocný                                  An-ill, sick, unwell, afflected with ..., Fr- malade,It-                                         ,

                                               Nì- krank, Šp- enfermo

anamnéza                               An-past medical history, anamnesis, case history, history,

                                               personal history, Fr- antécédents personnels,passé

                                                 medicale, It- dentista, Nì- persönliche Anamnese,

                                               Šp- antecedentes medicales

zjišťování anamnézy                 An- case taking, Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

co Vám chybí?                         An- what ails you?       Fr-       It-        Nì-       Šp-

jak vám chutná?                       An-      , Fr-     , It- ha appetito?          , Nì-     , Šp-

předchozí nemoc                    An- previoous disease, preceding d., undergoing d.,

                                               Fr-       , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

prodělat nemoc                        An-have an attac of..., undergo..suffer..           , Fr-     ,

                                               It-        , Nì-     , Šp-

nynější onemocění                 An- nowadays disease, d. now,  present d., Fr-           ,

                                               It-        , Nì-     , Šp-

vznik po..                               An- origin  after.., Fr-  , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     dietní chybě                         An- dietary  error         , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     fyzické námaze                    An- physical exercise, p. exertion, Fr-  , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     nachlazení                           An- common cold        , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     otrava                                 An-      poisoning, intoxication, Fr-       , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            alkoholem,                   An- alcohol p., Fr-       , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-               

            jídle                             An- meal, Fr-   , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            krve                             An-blood p., pyeia, toxaemia, Fr-        , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            léky                             An- drug p., Fr-           , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            nikotinem                     An- nicotine i.  , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            plynem                         An- gas- poisoning.      , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     rozčilení                              An- affect        , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     úraze                                  An-      trauma, accident, injury, Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     uštknutí                               An- bite, Fr-    , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

projev nemoci                        An- sign , symptom, Fr- manifestatin, It- manifestazióne,

                                               Nì- Symptom,Šp- signo, manifestación


-je mi                                      An- I feel,Fr-   je me sens, It- mi  sento , Nì- ich fühle mich,

                                               Šp- estoy

            mdlo                            An- faint, Fr- faible, It- mancare, Nì- unwohl,  Šp- mareado

            zima                             An- cold,Fr- j´ai froid, It- hoi freddo, Nì- kalt, Šp- frio

            hůře                             An-      , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            lépe                             An- better,       Fr- mieux, It- meglio, Nì- besase,  Šp- mejor

-není mi dobře                         An- I am not feeling well,Fr- Je ne me sens pas bien, It- non

                                               mi sento bene, Nì- Ich fühle mich nicht wohl,  Šp- no me

                                               siento bien,Ap- he cogido frio /e kochido frio/

            nemočit                        An- anuresis, anuria, anury,Fr- , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

mám ...                                    An- I have ...,Fr- J´ai  ...,It- ho  /ha/ una  ...,Nì- Ich habe...,

     horečku                              An- fever,ague, Fr- fiévre, It- febbre, Nì- Fieber, 

                                               Šp- fiebre, andar con fiebre    

     hučení v uších                      An-      , Fr-     , It- ronzio negli orecchi, Nì-    , Šp-

hluchota                                   An-      , Fr-     , It- sordo        , Nì-     , Šp-   

nevolnost                                 An- discomfort, malaise , sicknessAn- , Fr-     , It-,                                                   

                                               Nì-      , Šp-   

pocení                                     An- sweating , exudation, transpiration, sudation, hidrosis, idrosis

                                                Fr-      , It--il sudore, la transpirazione, Nì-     , Šp-

únavu                                      An- fatigue       , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

žízeň                                        An- thirst,  Fr- avoir soif,         It- sete, Nì- Durst, Šp- sed

poruchy                                  An-disturbance, Fr- trouble, It-, Nì- Störung, Šp- trastornost

-funkèní                                   An-functional disorder, Fr- trouble functionel, It-         ,

                                               Nì- Funktionstörung   , Šp- función perturbada

-soustavy  dýchací                 An-respiratory system, Fr- syst`eme respiratoire, It-    ,

                                               Nì- Atmungssystem, Respirationstrakt   ,

                                               Šp- sistema respiratorio

     chrapot                               An-      , Fr-     , It-la raucédine, Nì-    , Šp-

      kašel                                 An- cough, Fr- toux, It- la tosse, Nì- Husten, Šp- tos

-nemohu ...                              An- I cant        Fr-       It- mi sento male á ....,

                                               Nì- ich kann nicht....,  Šp-

            dýchat                         An- to breath, Fr- respirer, It-  respirare, Nì- atmen, 

                                               Šp- respirar, jadear

plíce                                        An-      , Fr-     , It-polmone     , Nì-        , Šp-

překážka dýchání                     An-respiratory obstacle, r. obstruction, Fr- obstacle respiratoire,

                                               It-        , Nì- Atmungshindernis  , Šp- obstáculo respiratorio

rýma                                        An- cold, Fr-   rhume de cerveau, It- il raffredore,

                                               Nì- Schnupfen,

slepota                                    An-      , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-  ciego /siego/


kopřivku                                  An-      , Fr-     , It- l´orticaria, Nì-       , Šp-

krvácení                                  An-      , Fr-     , It- emorragia, Nì-      , Šp-

opar                                        An-herpes, fewer blisters, cold sores, Fr- herp`es, It-  ,

                                               Nì- Herpes, Bläschenausschlag, Šp- herpes

                                               Šp- restoy acatarrado

-otok                                       An-swelling, oedema, Fr-en flure, It-   , Nì- Schwellung,                                

                                               Šp- hinchazón

svědění                                    An- itching, Fr- démangeaison, It- ????, Nì- Jucken,


vyrážku                                   An-eruption, rush, Fr- éruption, It-      , Nì- Ausschlag,

                                               Šp- erupción

-soustavy kardiovaskulární

krevní oběh                             An-blood circulation, Fr- circulation sanguine, It-         ,

                                               Nì- Blutkreislauf, Šp- circulacióm sanguinea

potíže srdeční                          An-      heart complaint, Fr-    , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

-pohyblivosti                          An-mobility, Fr- mobilité, It-    , Nì- Beweglichkeit,

                                               Šp- movilidad

křeče                                       An-      , Fr-     , It-il crampo, il gránchio, Nì-   , Šp-

obrnu                                      An-palsy, Fr- paralysie, It-      , Nì- Lähmung,

                                               Šp- parálisis

-otlačil jsem si nohy

            ři chùzi             An-      , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp- tengo los pies adoridos de andar

-sval                                        An-muscle, Fr- muscle, It-       , Nì- Muskel , Šp-músculo

-šlacha                                    An-tendopn, Fr- tendon, It-     , Nì-     Sehne  , Šp- tendón

-rùstu                                     An-disturbed growth, Fr- trouble de la croissance, It-,

                                               Nì- Wachstumstörung, Šp- trastoros sel crecimiento

-soustava trávicí                    An- digestive system, Fr- syst`eme digestif, It- ,

                                               Nì- Verdauungssystem, Magen-Darm-trakt  ,

                                               Šp- sistema digestivo

trávení, výživa                          An-nutritional disturbance,indigestion Fr- trouble de la

                                               nutrition, It-, Nì- Ernährungsstörung, Šp- trastoros de la nutrición

nechutenství                             An- anorexia, Fr-         , It-indigestione, Nì-     , Šp-

pálení žáhy                               An- pyrosis, burn, heatburn, Fr-          , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

plynatost                                  An-      flatulence, flatulency,bloating, ballooning, , Fr-  ,

                                               It-        , Nì-     , Šp-

polykání                                  An-swallowing, deglutition, Fr- déglutition, It-  ,

                                               Nì- Schlucken   , Šp- deglución

příjem potravy             An- food intake, Fr- alimentation, It-   ,

                                               Nì- Nahrungsaufnahme   , Šp- alimentación

průjem                                     An- a diarrhoea, Fr- diarrhée, It- diarrea, Nì- Durchfall, 


sucho v ústech                         An- drought of the mouth, Fr- sécherese de la bouche, It-                   ,

                                               Nì- Mundtrockenheit, Šp- seguía de la boca, boca  seca

zácpu                                      An- a constipation, Fr- e suis contipée, constipation,

                                                It- costipazione, Nì- Verstopfung, Šp- estreòimiento

zvracení                                   An- vomiting, Fr- vomissement, It- ????, Nì- Erbrechen,

                                               Šp- vómito       An-      , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-


-soustavy nervové                 An-nervous system, Fr- syst`eme nerveux, It-  ,

                                               Nì- Nervensystem  , Šp- sistema nerviosa

-vědomí                                  An-consciousness        , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     bezvědomí                          An-unconsciousness, coma, obnubilation, Fr-sans

                                               connaissance, It- svenimento, Nì- Bewustlosigkeit,

                                               Šp-pérdida del conocimiento

    koma                                   An- coma, Fr- coma ??, It-, Nì- Koma, Šp- en estado                      


     k.apoplektické                    An-, Fr-, It-, Nì-Koma in Gefolge eines Schlaganfalls, Šp-

     k.diabetické                        An- diabetic coma, Fr-            , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     k.hypoglykemické               An-hypoglycaenic coma, Fr-   , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     k. jaterní                             An-hepatic coma, Fr-  , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     k. po úžehu                         An- at an heat-stroke, Fr-        , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     k. uremické                         An-uraemic coma, Fr- , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

mdloba                                    An- faint, fantness, fainting, lipothymia, Fr-       ,

                                               It-        , Nì-     , Šp-sincope

nevolnost za letu                       An- air sickness, Fr-    , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

omdlíti                                     An- faint, Fr-   , It- svenire, Nì-           , Šp-

ospalost                                   An- drowsines, somnolence     , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

otřes mozku                             An-commotion, conclussion, Fr- commotion cérébrale, It-,     

                                               Nì- Gehirnerschütterung, Šp- conmoción cerebral

                                               Šp- tengo, estoy         

záchvat                                    An- attack, Fr- accés, It-         , Nì- Anfall, Šp- ataque, acceso

závraě                                     An-giddiness, dizziness, vertigo, Fr- vertige, It- vertigine, Nì- mir

                                               schwindelt., Šp- vértigo, vahido          

-ústrojí smyslové                   An-      , Fr-     , It-gli órgani dei sensi, Nì-          , Šp-

-bolest                                    An- ache, pain,  -algia, Fr- douleur,mal, It- dolore, Nì- Schmerz,

                                               Šp- dolor, mal

-bez bolesti                              An- painless, Fr- sans douleur, It-  senza dolore, adolorante,

                                               adoloroso, Nì- schmerzlos, Šp- sin dolor

-polevila                                  An- the pain has abated, subsided,Fr- ,

                                               It-        , Nì-     , Šp-

kde vás bolí?                           An-      , Fr-     , It- dove le duole ?, Nì- wo fühlen Sie die

                                               Schmerzen ?    , Šp-

bolestivá oblast                        An- painful / aching/ area,Fr-  zone d d., It-     ,

                                               Nì- Schmerzzone , Šp- área de d.

-bolí mne /v, na /...                   An- I have pain in.., Fr- J´i mal á /au/.., It- provo dei

                                               dolori al..,mi duole .., ho mal i ...Nì- Ich habe Schmerzen

                                               im.., Šp- me duele      


-náhlá                                      An- sudden, Fr- soudaine, It-  d´un tratto, Nì- plötzlicher,


-nesnesitelná                            An-      , Fr-     , It-insopportabile, Nì- , Šp-

-pozdní                                    An- late p., after-pain, Fr- d.tardive, It- d. tardívo, tardo,

                                               Nì- Nachschmerz, Šp- d. tardio

-palčivá                                    An-lighting, Fr- fulgurante, It- ardente, fulgente,

                                               Nì- blitzartiger S., Šp- ardente, fulgurante

-přenesená                               An- referred, Fr- á distance, It- tranlate, Nì- fortgeleiteter S.,

                                                Šp- transmitido

-pulzující                                  An- pulsating, Fr- pulsative, It- pulsátile, Nì- pulsierender S.,

                                               Šp- pulsatil

-samovolná,                             An- spontaneous, Fr- spotanée, It- spontaneo, Nì- spontanner,

                                               Šp- espontáneo

-vyzařující                                An- the pain radiates    ,Fr-      , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-


pocit ...                                   An- feeling, snsation, Fr-         , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-   

     -bušení srdce                      An- a heart throbs, palpitation,Fr- battements de coeur,

                                               It- ??? cuore,Nì- Herzklopfen,  Šp-  tewngo palpitaciones , tengo golpear

                                               de el corazón

     -cizího tělesa

      v hrdle                               An-lump in the throat, Fr-        , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     -horka                                An-ardour       , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     -necitlivosti  a brnění            An-numbness and tingling, Fr- , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     -necitlivost                          An-inmsensitivness, anaesthesia, Fr- insensibilité,        

                                               anésthesia, It-, Nì- Unempfindlichkeit, Šp- insensibilidad

-jiné potíže

4.7 vyšetření

     klinické                             An- clinical examination Fr- examen clinique, exploration c.

                                               It-, Nì- linische Untersuchung, Šp- examen clínico, exploracón clínica 


prohlídka                               An- examination, check, chec-up, Fr- exploratio, examen,

                                               It- esamination, l´esame, Nì-Untersuchung,  Šp- examen

-pozorování                             An- obsercation, Fr-    It-        , Nì- , Šp-

prohlédnout-                            An-      , Fr-     , It- esaminare, Nì-      , Šp-

                                               An-      Fr-       It-        , Nì-     , Šp-

vyšetřím Vás                            It- la visito, Nì- Ich werde Sie untersuchen, Šp- le examinaré                                     

bezpříznakový                         An- symptomfree, Fr-  , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

4.71 fyzikální  vyšetření       An-physical e., Fr- e. medical, It-        , Nì- physikalische U.,

                                               Šp- exploratió física    

nález                                        An-finding, result of medical examination Fr- diagmostic,

                                               It- scoperta,trovata, Nì- Befund , Šp- diagnóstico

lokalizace                                An-area, Fr- lieu, It- luogo, Nì- Stelle, Šp- lugar


symptom                                 An-symptom, manifestation,syndrom,, Fr- sympt^ome, It-       ,

                                               Nì- Symptom, Šp- síntoma

            -apatie                         An- apathy       ,Fr-      , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            -arytmie srdeční           An-  cardiac arrhythmia , Fr-   , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            -bledost                       An-palor of the face,palenes, Fr- p^aleur de la face, It-           ,

                                                Nì- Gesichtsblässe, Šp- palides de la cara


            -nedýchá                     An- apnoe, apnoic, Fr-            , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            -teplota                        An- temperature, Fr- température, It- la temperatura, Nì- Temperatur,

                                               Šp- temperature

               zvýšená                    An- elevated t., Fr- t.augmentée, It- elevata, Nì- erhöhte T.,

                                               Šp- t. elevada 

             horečka                      An- fever,ague, Fr- fiévre, It- febbre, Nì- Fieber,  Šp- fiebre,

                                               calentura /kalentura /, andar con fiebre

             teploměr                     An- thermometer, Fr- thermométre, It- termometro,

                                               Nì- Thermometer, Šp- termómetro

            -tep, puls                     An- pulse, Fr- pouls, It- il polso, Nì- Puls, Šp-pulso

             počet tepù                  An-pulse rate   , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

             frekvence tepu            An- heart rate,Fr- fréquence du pouls, It-        ,

                                               Nì- Pulsgeschwindigkeit, Šp- frecuencia de pulso

             pomalý                       An-      , Fr-     , It- lento, Nì-  , Šp-

             zrychlený                    An-      , Fr-     , It- rapido, Nì-            , Šp-

             pravidelný                   An-      , Fr-     , It- regolare, Nì-         , Šp-

             nepravidelnost An- irregularity, Fr- irrégularité, It-       ,

                                               Nì- Unregelmässigkeit, Šp- irregularidad

            -tlak krevní                  An-blood pressure, Fr- pression artérielle, It- la pressione

                                               del sanque, Nì- Blutdruck, Šp- presión sanquinea

            -měření TK                  An- b.p. measuring      , Fr- mesure de la tension du sang, It-  ,

                                               Nì- Blutdruckmessung, Šp- medición de la p.s.

            -nízký/ vysoký  An- low/ high, Fr- hypotension/ hypertension, It-         ,

                                               Nì- niedrig/ hoch          , Šp- hipotensión/ hipertensión

-svlékněte se                           An- undress,please, Fr- déshabillez-vous, It- si spogli, Nì- ziehen

                                               Sie sich , bitte, aus,  Šp- quítese la ropa

            -držení těla                   An- popsture, Fr- posture, It- ????, Nì- Körperhaltung,

                                               Šp- postura

            -dýchejte zhluboka       An- breathe deeply, Fr- respirez profondément, It- respiri

                                               profondamente,  Nì- tief atmen, Šp- respire profundamente

            -nedýchejte                  An- stop breathing, Fr- ne respirez pas, It- trattenga il respiro,

                                               Nì- nicht atmen,  Šp- no respire

            -ukažte jazyk               An- let me see yor tongue,Fr-  It-        Nì-       Šp-


                        mandle             An-augmented tonsil, enlarged t., Fr- amygdale hypertrophiée,

                                               It-        , Nì- vergrösserte Mandel        , Šp- amígdala hipetrófica

            -oteklý                         An- swollen, Fr- enflé, It-        , Nì- geschwollen, Šp- hinchado

            -žloutenka                    An- jaundice /džondis/ , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-


4.73 pomocná vyšetření

-laboratorní                            An-laboratory e., Fr- e. laboratoire, It-                       ,

                                                Nì- Laboruntersuchung , Šp- e. laboratorio

-vzorek                                   An- sample specimen, Fr- échantillon, It-         ,

                                               Nì-Muster, Šp- muestra

            cukr v krvi                   An-      , Fr-     , It-glicémia      , Nì-     , Šp-

           krevní obraz                 An-blood count, Fr- formule sanguine, numération globulaire  

                                               It-        , Nì- Blutbilduntersuchung, Šp- recuento sanguíneo

            moče                           An-urine          , Fr-     , It- l´orina, Nì-            , Šp-

            sedimentace krvinek     An- blood sedimentation rate, Fr- vitesse de la sédimentation

                                               sanquine, It-     , Nì- Blutsenkungprobe, Šp- prueba de

                                               sedimentatión de la sangre

            srážení krve                 An- blood coagulation, b. clotting, Fr-  coagulation du sang,

                                               It-        , Nì- Blutgerinnung, Šp- coagulación de la sangre

-rentgenové                           An- x-ray, Fr-examen radiographique, It-        ,

                                               Nì- RTG-Untersuchung, Šp- examen radiográfico


M.7 diagnózy


4.8 diagnóza

časná                                      An-early diagnosis, Fr- diagnostic précoce, It- diagnosis precoz,

                                               Nì- Frühdiagnose, Šp- diagnóstico precoz

4.81 porucha funkcí               An- disorder, disturbance,  dysfunction, Fr-     , It-      ,

                                               Nì-       , Šp-

-p. močení                               An- dysurie      , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

-p. trávení                                An-      , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

-výměny látek                          An-metabolic derangement      , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-   

-vývojová                                An-dysgenesis, dyscrasia         , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-   

-výživy                         An-nutritional disorder, Fr-      , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

4.82 nemoc, choroba             An- disease, Fr-maladie, It- la malattia, Nì- Krankheit,


astma, záducha            An- asthma, Fr-           , It- l´astma      , Nì-     , Šp-

angina                                      An-      , Fr-     , It- l´angina, Nì-          , Šp-

astenia                         An- asthenia     ,Fr-      , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-


neurocirkulaèní             An- effort syndrome, neurocirculatory asthenia,Fr-      ,

                                               It-        , Nì-     , Šp-

dna                                          An- gout          , Fr-     , It-la gotta       , Nì-     , Šp-

furunkl                                     An- boil, Fr- furuncle, It-         , Nì- Eiterbeule, Furunkel, Šp- divieso,


chřipka                        An-influenza, flu           , Fr-     , It- l´influenza, Nì-       , Šp-

chudokrevnost                         An-anaemia     , Fr-     , It-l´anemia     , Nì-     , Šp-

migréna                                   An-      , Fr-     , It-emicránia, Nì-        , Šp-

infarkt srdeční                          An-      , Fr-     , It- infarto. l´apoplessia cardiaca, Nì-  , Šp-

mrtvice mozková                     An- apoplexy   , Fr-     , It- l´apoplessia cerebrale, Nì-            , Šp-

nádor nezhoubný                     An-benign tumor Fr- tumeur benigne, It-          ,

                                               Nì-gutartiger Tumor,  Šp- tumor benigno

nádor zhoubný                         An-malignant tumor, Fr- tumeur maligne, It-     ,

                                               Nì- bösartiger Tumor, b. Geschwulst, b. Neubildung,

                                               Šp- tumor maligno

otrava                                      An-poisoning, Fr- empoisonnement, It-           , Nì- Vergiftung,

                                               Šp- enevenenamiento

nachlazení                                An- common cold, Fr- , It- il raffredore, Nì-    , Šp-   

přehřátí                                    An- overheating, Fr- surchauffage, It-                          ,

                                               Nì- Überhitzung, Šp- sobrecalentamiento

rakovina                                  An-      , Fr-     , It-il cancro     , Nì-     , Šp-

revmatismus                                        An-      , Fr-     , It-il reumnatismo        , Nì-     , Šp-

srdeční slabost             An-heart failure, Fr- défaillance cardiaque, It-  ,

                                               Nì- Herzschwäche, Šp- desfallacimiento cardiaco

úžeh                                        An- heatr stroke, hyúerpyrexia, Fr-      , It-l´insolazione,

                                                il colpo di sole,  Nì-    , Šp-

zánět                                       An- inflammation, Fr- inflamation, It- inflammazióne,

                                               Nì- Entzündung, Šp- inflamación

- plic                                       An-      , Fr-     , It- la polmonite, Nì-   , Šp-

- ucha                                      An-      , Fr-     , It- l´otite        , Nì-     , Šp-

- slepého střeva                       An-      , Fr-     , It- l´appendicite, Nì-  , Šp-

- dýchací cesty             An-airwais, respiratory passages,Fr- voies respiratoires,

                                               It- vias respiratorias, Nì- Atemwege, Šp- vias respiratorias

- žíly                                        An- vein, Fr- veine, It- vena Nì- Vene, Šp-vena

lékařský závěr

musíte                                      An- you must .., Fr- vous devez...It- deve...,Nì- Sie müssen..

                                                Šp- usted debe..

  -jít                                         An- to go,        Fr- aller, chercher,       It- íre,  Nì- gehen, Šp- ir, andar,

                                               marchar, moverse

  -do nemocnice                      An- to hospital,Fr- entrer á´l´h^ospital, It- in ospedale,

                                               Nì- ins Krankenhaus, Šp-  al hospital

  -ležet                                     An- stay in bed,  Fr- rester au lit, It- essere a letto,  stare a letto,

                                               Nì- liegen im Bett ,  Šp- quiardar cama

  -zachovávat dietu                  An-      , Fr-     , It- osservare la dieta  , Nì-     , Šp-


přijetí                                     An- admission  , Fr-     , It- l´ammissione, Nì-  , Šp-

nemocnice                              An- hospital, Fr- h^opital, infirmerie, It-           ,

                                               Nì- Krankenhaus, Spital, Šp- hospital

            fakultní                         An- teaching hospital, Fr-        , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-


ambulance                               An- ambulance, Fr- ambulance, It- medicheria,                      

                                               Nì- Ambulanz, Šp- ambulancia

předběžná zpráva                    An- preliminary report, Fr- rapport preliminaire, It-                 ,

chorobopis                              An-patient history, hospital record, case history,case 

                                               record ,Fr- fiche d´observation, dossier médical, It-     ,

                                               Nì- Krankengeschichte, Krankenblatt, Šp- hiostoria clínica,

                                               Nì- vorläufiger Bericht, Šp- informe preliminar

propouštěcí zpráva                  An-discharge record    , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

M.8 léèení


léčba, léčení                            An-  treatment, therapy, Fr- soins, recuit, It-    ,

                                               Nì-Behandlong, Šp- tratamiento

          časné                             An- early tretment,  Fr- traitement  précoze, It-,

                                               Nì- Frühbehandlung , Šp-tratamiento precoz, t. temprano


            podpůrné                     An-supportive, Fr-       , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            substituèní                    An-substitution, Fr-      , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            symptomatické             An-symptomatic, Fr-   , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            účinné                          An-effective, Fr-          , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            udržovací                     An- maintenance t., Fr-            , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            útočné                         An-invsive, Fr- , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

druh léčení

            dietní                           An- diet, Fr- di`ete, It-dieta, Nì- Diät, Šp- dieta

            farmakoterapie             An- pharmacotherapy, Fr-       , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            fyzikální                       An- physiotherapy, Fr-            , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            chirurgické                   An- surgical t.treatment , Fr- t.chirurgical,, It-  ,

                                               Nì-       chirurgische Behandlung,  Šp- tratamiento quirúrgico,

                                               terapia quirúrgica

            ozařováním                  An-  beam therapy, radiation t., Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            prací                            An-occupational t., Fr-            , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            transfúzí                       An-blood transfusion,, Fr- transfusion du sang, It-       ,

                                               Nì-Bluttransfusion  , Šp- transfusión de sangre

            transplantací                 An- transplantation, Fr- transplantation, It-      ,

                                               Nì- Transplantation, Šp- transplantación

            umělou výživou            An-artificial feeding, Fr- nutrition arificiale, It-  ,

                                               Nì- künstliche Ernährung, Šp- nutrición artificvial        

léčebný                                    An- therapeutical, curative, sanatiove, remedial,           ,

                                                           Fr-       , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

léčitelný                                   An-curable, amenable to tretment        , Fr-     ,

                                               It-        , Nì-     , Šp-

léčiti                                        An- treat, cure, remedy, heal, Fr-        ,

                                               It-curare          , Nì-     , Šp-

léčivo                                      An-drug, medicine, medicment, remedy, tehrapeutic   

                                               agent, pharmacon, Fr-  , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

léčivý                                       An-medicinal, remedial, curative, healing, sanatory,                 

                                               Fr-       , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-


recept                                     An-pescriptiom, Fr-ordonance, It- la ricetta,

                                               Nì- Rezept, Šp- receta, prescripción médica

napsat recept                           An- write out  a prescription, Fr-         , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

předepsati                               An-      prescribe, Fr-   , It- prescrivere, ordinare,

                                               Nì-       , Šp-

předpis                                    An-      prescription, Fr-           , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            složení                         An- formula, formulae, formulas, Fr-    ,

                                               It-        , Nì-     , Šp-

            instrukce                      An-rule, regulation, Fr-            , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            formulář                       An-prescription form, Fr-        , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

na předpis                                An- prescribable drug, Fr-       , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

bez lékařského předpisu          An- off-prescription, over the counter, Fr-       ,

                                               It-        , Nì-     , Šp-

registrovaný                             An-proprietary drug,, Fr-         , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

šarlatánský                              An-quack remedy, Fr- , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-



balení                                       An- packing, packaging, package,Fr-  , It-      ,

                                               Nì-       , Šp-

výběr léku:

            první volby                   An- first choice drug, Fr-         , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            druhé řady                   An- second line drug, Fr-         , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

s účinkem prodlouženým          An-prolonged -action drug, Fr-           , It-      , Nì-     ,


k užití

            vnějšímu                      An-remedy for external  use, Fr-          , It-      , Nì-     ,


            vnitřnímu                      An-remedy for internal use, Fr-            , It-      , Nì-     ,


podávání                                 An-administration, Fr-  , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            infúzí                            An- by infusion, Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            inhalací             An- by inhalation, Fr-   , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            injekčnì                        An- by injektion, Fr-    , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            konečníkem                 An-rectal administration, Fr-    , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            ústy, perorální              An- oral route a., Fr-   , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-


            kapky                          An- drops        , Fr-     , It- le groce, Nì-         , Šp-

            mast                            An- ointment, unction, Fr-        , It- l´unguento , Nì-     , Šp-

            mazání                         An- liniment, rub, lubricant, Fr-            , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            náplast                         An- plaster, adhesive plaster, patch, emplastrum,

                                               Fr-       , It- l´impiastro, Nì-      , Šp-

            prášek                         An- powder     , Fr-     , It-la polverina, Nì-     , Šp-

            pilulka                          An- pill. granule, pellet, Fr-      , It- la pílolla     , Nì-     , Šp-

            roztok                          An-dsolution, Fr- solution, It-  , Nì-     Lösung  ,

                                               Šp- solución

            tabletka                       An- tablet, tabella, Fr-tablette, comprimé, It-   ,

                                               Nì-Tablette, Šp- tableta, comprimido,pastilla

bráti                                        An-      , Fr-     , It-préndere    , Nì-     , Šp-

denní dávka                             An-daily dose, Fr- dose journali`ere, It- ,

                                               Nì- Tagesdosis, Šp- dosis diaria

musíte vzít dvě

dennì                                       An-   ,Fr-         , It-      , Nì-     , Šp- debe tomar dos por dia

užití                                         An-use, utilize  , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

farmakol. účinnost                An-pharmacological effectiveness, p. efficiacy,

                                               Fr-       , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

lék / proti, na .../                      An-  agent,  drug, means, medicament, medicine, remedy

                                               /against /, Fr- médicament /contra /,

                                                It- medicina / contro/, Nì- Medizin, Arznei, Heilmittel / gegen/,

                                               Šp- medicamento , remedio/ contra /

     alergii                                  An-antihistamine, antihistaminic drug, Fr-         ,

     astma                                  An- antiasthmatic, Fr-  , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     bolest                                 An- analgesic,  analgetic,  antalgic, Fr- ,

                                               It-        , Nì-     , Šp-

     bolesti křečové                   An- antispasmodic       ,Fr-      , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     cukrovce                            An- antidiabetic,Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     červùm                               An- anthelminthic, vermifuge, Fr-         , /

                                               It-        , Nì-     , Šp-

     depresi                               An- antidepressant,Fr- , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     horečce                              An- antipyretic, antifebrile, antithermic, febricide, febrifuge,

                                               Fr-                   , It- febrífugo, Nì- gegen Fieber, Šp- febrifugo


            antibakteriální               An- antibacterial, Fr-   , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            antibiotikum                 An- antibiotic,Fr-         , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

                                               It-        , Nì-     , Šp-

     kašli                                    An- cough suppressant, Fr- toux,  It- tosse,  Nì- Husten, Šp- tengo

     křečím                                An- anticonvulsant, anticonvulsive,Fr-  ,

     močopudný             An-diuretic       , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     nadýmání                            An- carminative           , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     neklidu                                An- tranquilizer, ataractic agent, ati-anxiety agent,

     nespavosti                           An- sleeplessness,        Fr- insomnie, It- insónnia, Nì- Schlafmittel,

                                                Šp- dormidero           


            žal. kyselinu                 An-antacid, Fr-            , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

                                               Fr-       , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     parazitùm                            An- antiparasitic           ,Fr-      , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     poèetí                                 An-      contraceptive, Fr-        , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-   

     projímadlo                          An-laxative, purgative, cathartic, abstergent,aperient,purge,

                                                Fr-      , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-   

     pro zvracení                        An-emetic , Fr-            , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     proti plísni                           An- antifungal, Fr-       , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     protivirový                          An-antivirotic, oral contraceptive, Fr-  , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     srdeční selhání                     An-cardiant      , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     přecitlivělosti                       An- antiallergic, Fr-      , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

                                               It-        , Nì-     , Šp-

     revma                                 An- antirheumatic,antiarthritic, antarthritic,Fr-   ,

     srážení krve             An-antikoagulant, anticoagulative, Fr-  ,

     svědění                               An- antipruriginous, Fr-           , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     snižující tlak             An- hypotensive           , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     stavìní krvácení                   An- styptic       , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     stimulující                            An- stimulant    , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     uklidňující                           An-calmic agent, abirritant, calmative, sedative, Fr-

                                               , It- sedativo    , Nì-     , Šp-

     uspávající                            An-soporific, hypnotic, Fr-      , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     utišující                               An-palliative, tranquilizer          , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     zánět                                   An- antiphlogistic         ,Fr-      , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     zvyšující tlak krve                An- vasopressor          , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     zácpě                                  An-laxative, purgative,cathartic, abstergent, purge, abstersive,

     zvracení                              An- antemetic, Fr-       , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

-desinfekèní                             An-disinfectant , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

-kloktadlo                               An-      , Fr-     , It-il gasrgarismo         , Nì-     , Šp-

lékárna                                  An- pharmacy,chemist´s shop, Fr- pharmacie,

                                               It- la farmacia, Nì- Apotheke,  Šp- farmacia / farmasia/,

                                                                                  botica /botika/

nemocniční                              An- hospital pharmacy, Fr-      , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

výdejna lékù                            An-dispensary, Fr-      , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

lékárník                                   An- pharmacist, druggist, Fr- pharmacien, It- farmacista,

                                               Nì- Apotheker, Šp- farmáceuto, boticario

bezplatná lék. péče               An-  medical care free of charge, Fr- soins médicaux

                                               gratuits, It- cura medica gratuita, Nì- unetgentliche

                                               ärztliche  Fürsorge,

                                               Šp- cuidado médico gratuito


M.9 zdravotníci            An-healt service worker, health service officerFr-, It-, Nì-,                                        

 lékař                                     An- physicians/jako provádìjící praxi/, doctor, / oznaèení nebo

                                               oslovení/, M.D., D.M., / jako titul/,Fr- médecin, It- medico,

                                               Nì- Arzt,Mediziner,  Šp-médico,

-pohotovostní                          An- emergency physician, Fr- médecin de garde, m.               

                                               d´urgence,It- médico di urgenza, Nì- Notarzt,                                    

                                                Bereitschaftsarzt, Šp-médico de guardia                     

-ošetřující                                An- attending physian, Fr- médecin de soins, It- physician curante,

                                               Nì-  behandelnde Arzt, Šp-

     obvodní                              An- family practitioner, Fr-      , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

     praktický                            An-general parctitioner, general physician , Fr- prakticien,

                                               It-        , Nì-     , Šp-

-odborný                                 An- specialist /spešlist/, Fr- spécialiaste, It- specialista,

                                               Nì- Facharzt, Šp- specialista   

            dětský                         An- paediatrist, pediatrician, Fr-          , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            dětský                         An-      , Fr-m. pour enfants     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-               -

            chirurg                         An- surgeon , Fr- chirurgien, It-il chirurgo, Nì- Chirurg, Šp-

            internista                      An- internist, internal specialist , Fr-     , It-      ,

                                               Nì- Internist,  Šp- specialista para enfermedades internas                   

            kožní                           An- dermatologist, Fr- , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            krční                            An-laryngologist, Fr-    , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            nervový                       An- neurologist, Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            ušní, ORL                    An- otorhinolaryngologist, Fr- auriste, auriculiste, It-    , Nì-     , Šp-

            oèní                             An-      , Fr- oculiste    , It-l´oculista, Nì-         , Šp-

            pohlavní                       An- venerologist, Fr-   , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            ušní                              An- aurist, otologist      , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            zubní                            An- stomatologist, dentist, dental surgeon, d. doctor,  Fr-       

                                               stomatologiste, dentiste, It- dentista, Nì- Zahnarzt,      

                                               Fachzahnarzt, Stomatologe, Šp- estomatólogo, odontólogo,               


            ženský                         An- gynaecologist, Fr- gynécologue, It-specialista per le

                                               malattie delle donne,, Nì- Frauenarzt,? Gynekologe, Šp                      


primář                                      An head ….

            internista                      An-head physician       , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            chirurg                         An-head surgeon, Fr-  , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

sekundář                                 An-houseman, intern    , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-


-na internì                                An- house physician, Fr-          , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

-na chirurgii                             An- house surgeon, Fr-            , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

mladší ve zkuš.lhůtě                 An-pre-registration  house officer, Fr-  , It-      , Nì-     ,

Šp-starší-na interně      An- resident medical officer, Fr-

-na chirurgii                             An- resident surgical officer, Fr-          , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

začínající praxi 

            v nemoc.                      An-intern, Fr-  , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

zastupující                                An-locum tenens, Fr-   , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

ošetřovatel                            An- attendant, Fr-        , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

ošetřovatelka                           An-nurse, Fr-   , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

sanitář                                     An- orderly, ambulance-man, Fr- , It- , Nì- , Šp-

sanitářka                                  An- enrolled nurse, Fr-, It- , Nì-, Šp-

sestra,ošetřovatelka             An-nurse, sic-nurse, sister, Fr- infirmiére, It- l´infirmiera,                     ,

                                               Nì- Krankenschwester, Šp- enfermera            malejo, malucho

            staniční             An-ward sister , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

            vrchní               An-head nurse, sister, matron   , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

M.10 zdravotnická zařízení


.91 místo                                An- place , Fr- place, poste,  It- luogo,  Nì- Ort, Šp-

lékařská pohotovost                An- emergency medical service, Fr- service médical des

                                               urgences, It- la guardia médica, servicio medico di urgenza,

                                               Nì- ärztlicher Bereitschaftsdienst, Šp- servicio médico de


zdravotní středisko                   An-health community centre, Fr- poste de secours médical,

                                                It-       , Nì-     , Šp-

ordinace                                   An- consulting room, office, surgery room, Fr- It-,  Nì-Šp-

ošetřovna                                An- treatment room, Fr-          , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

přijimací ambulance                 An- admission room     , Fr-     , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

chirurgie                                  An- surgery, Fr- chirurgie, It-   , Nì- Chirurgie, Šp- cirugia


            ambulantní                   An-out-patient department, out department, Fr-          ,

úrazové oddělení                      An- casualty ward, Fr- , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

oddělení pro

     akutní případy                     An- casualty department          ,Fr-      , It-      , Nì-     , Šp-

                                                           It-        , Nì-     , Šp-

nemocniční pokoj                    An-sick-room, hospital room, Fr- salle hospitaliére, It-            ,

                                               Nì- Krankenzimmer, Šp- sala de hospital

.92 obory

lékařství                                 An- medicine, Fr-, It-, Nì-, Šp-

dětské                                     An- pediatrics, Fr-, It-, Nì-, Šp-

dorostové                                An- adolescent medicine, Fr-, It-, Nì-, Šp-

duševní                                    An-psychiatry, Fr-, It-, Nì-, Šp-

                                   chirurgieAn-surgery, Fr-, It-, Nì-, Šp-

kosmické                                An- space medicine, Fr-, It-, Nì-, Šp-

kožní                                       An-dermatology, Fr-, It-, Nì-, Šp-

nervové                                   An- neurology, Fr-, It-, Nì-, Šp-

oční                                         An-ophthalmonoly, Fr-, It-, Nì-, Šp-

ORL                                       An-otorhinolaryngology, Fr-, It-,Nì-, Šp-

pohlavních n.                           An-venerology, Fr-, It-, Nì-, Šp-

pracovní                                  An-occupational medicine, Fr-, It-, Nì-, Šp-

preventivní                               An-preventive medicine, Fr-, It-, Nì-, Šp-

vniřní                                       An- internal medicine, Fr-, It-, Nì-, Šp-

zubní                                        An- stomatology, dentistry, Fr- dentisterie,

stomatologie, It-, Nì- Stomatologie, Šp- estomatología

ženské                                     An-gynaecology, Fr-, It-, Nì-, Šp-     

X.93 zdraví                             An- health, saniti,Fr- santé, It- salute, Nì- Gesundheit, Šp-

péče o zdraví                           An- health care , Fr-, It-, Nì-,

zdraví prospěšný                      An- beneficial to health,Fr-      , It-      , Nì-     ,

navrátit zdraví                          An- health restore,Fr-  , It-      , Nì-     ,

ochrana zdraví                         An- health protection, Fr-        , It-      , Nì-     ,

zdravotnictví                            An- health service, Fr- , It-      , Nì-     ,

zdravý                                     An- healthy, Fr-           , It-      , Nì-     ,

M.11 zdravotní pojištění

 Pojištění                                An- insurance, Fr- assurance, It- assigurazione, Nì- Versicherung,


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Šp- seguro

            -zdravotní                    An- health insurance ,Fr- assurance maladie, It- assicurazione

                                               malattie,  Nì- Krankenversicherung,  Šp- seguro enfermedad  

            -pracovní cesty            An-      Fr-       It-        Nì-für beruflich bedingte Auslandsaufenthalte,


            -turistické cesty            An-      Fr-       It-        Nì- für touristische Reisen,  Šp-

            -úrazové                      An-      Fr-       It- assicurazione contro gli infortuni     

                                               Nì- Unfallversicherung, Šp-     

-všeobecné podmínky              An- general terms,       Fr- conditions generales,

                                               It- condicioni generali, Nì- allgemeine  Versicherungsbedingungen, 

                                               Šp-      condiciones generales

-předmět pojištění                    An- object of the insurance, Fr- objet de l´assurance, It-         Nì-

                                               Gegenstand der Versicherung,  Šp- objeto del seguro

-uhrazuje náklady                    An- covers expenses,  Fr- couvre les frais, It- copre le spese,, Nì-

                                                deckt  die  Kosten,  Šp- cubre los gastos

lékařského  ošeření                  An-  of medical nursing, Fr- de traitement médical,

                                                It-  di cura mediche, Nì- der ärztlichen Behandlung,

                                                Šp- de curación médicos

+pobytu v nemocnici                An- Hospitalization, Fr- les séjours á l´h^opital et clinique,

                                                It-  icoveri in ospedale o clinica, Nì- stationäre

                                               Krankenhausbehandlung, Šp- hospitalización

+ zpětné přepravy do místa bydlištì      An- repatriation, Fr-repatriement,It- di rimpatrio,Nì-

                                                Rücktransport,  Šp- repatriación

 +převozu pozůstatkù zemřelého          An- repatriation  of remains in case  of death,

                                               Fr- repatriement aprés  décés, It- rimopatrio dopo il decesso,

Nì- der Überführung  von den sterblichen Überresten,

 Šp- repatriación  tras falle cimiento

- nevztahuje na             An- expenses not covered, Fr- exklusions, It- esclusioni, Nì-

                                               Leistungsauschlüsse,  Šp- exclusiones